Friday, June 27, 2014

It's been a long time!!


Man, oh man has it been a while since I have last put an entry into my blog! I bet y'all forgot I even had one. I know I did!! I will keep this short and sweet, but maybe soon I can update alot more. Life is good. I have everything I need. My kids are happy and healthy. I live in an amazing community and for the first time in my life, I am happy with who and what I have become. I have struggled and felt like I would never come out of the darkness, but look where I am, not there anymore. I'm so grateful tonight for being granted the opportunity to experience this life and all that it has to offer. If you are in a bad spot tonight, and you read this, please know that tomorrow is a brand new day to seize opportunities that you may not have had today. Life giveth and taketh, and we have to go with the flow. Be ready to be given the world, only to have it taken from you. No, don't live in negativity, but just stand strong in who you are and what you believe, and just know that no matter what, you will make it through whatever you are going through.

I do want to briefly share that in the past few years, since I started this blog, I have lost 5 jobs. Moved to a new city to start my life over with my boys. I have felt so defeated and so joyous. I have made new friends, and reconnected with old ones. I have seen life through rose colored glasses, and some days I didn't even want to open my eyes. Faith in a higher being, being absolutely positive when all I wanted was to stab someone in the eye, that's how I've gotten where I am. Tonight, for the first time in a very long while, I can say that I am truly happy. Yes, life is still life with ups and downs, but it's beautiful and I am so blessed for all the love and support and amazing people that I get to share this life with. I plan on writing more in my blog. I didn't have internet for a few years, and I still don't. Thanks to my awesome neighbor (thanks Amber!!) I get to use their Wifi. Alot can change in a year, in a day, in a moment. Cherish everything for what it's worth.

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